PiHi Master Plan Party!
Thanks to the 40+ neighbors who celebrated the PiHi Master Plan at Indie Studios on May 18! Check out the festivities on Instagram.
PiHi Master Plan - Final Version APproved by PHCA Board
We are pleased to announce that the PHCA Board unanimously approved the Final version of the PiHi Master Plan on April 2, 2024.
OPEN THRU 3/18 | Online Survey #3: The following form is intended to give the neighbors of Piedmont Heights an opportunity for feedback on the final draft of the updated Master Plan. Please use the following link to view the updated plan. Any and all comments are welcome. Take the survey: https://arcg.is/5uKOu
The group working to revise the Piedmont Heights Master Plan has a final draft ready for community review.
We thank each of you for your involvement along the way. There have been multiple community events as well as various online surveys where we've asked for your input.
Thank you for taking the time to be an active participant in your community – now and for the future of Piedmont Heights. Neighborhood master plans are key to working with the City of Atlanta around a number of areas, and having an updated master plan is critical.
As we work toward final approval, Piedmont Heights will keep pace in this way with our surrounding neighborhoods. Morningside-Lenox Park, Virginia-Highland, and Midtown recently updated their Master Plans, which have been adopted by the City of Atlanta. Then the real work begins in terms of how we can implement these plans from paper to reality over time.
If you're already a member of Piedmont Heights Civic Association, THANK YOU. Your annual or monthly dues, as well as generous donations from our residents and particularly our local business community, have helped us fund this major initiative. If you're not a member, please consider joining today.
NOW CLOSED | Online Survey #2: This is the second, and final, community engagement survey (survey closed 12/15/23) to inform the Piedmont Heights Master Plan update. The following survey will highlight 10 posters that offer ideas and recommendations to address issues and opportunities in Piedmont Heights, based on initial research and feedback received from the neighborhood. Note that this is not a comprehensive list of recommendations that will be reported in the final plan update. Rather, the concepts above are a sampling of ideas that the project team is seeking your reaction to. Much more will be discussed in the final plan document.
These posters were initially presented to the community at the annual Piedmont Heights annual neighborhood meeting. If you weren't able to share your thoughts at the meeting, now is your chance to do so!
NOW CLOSED | Online Survey #1 If you haven't been able to attend in person, or if you've thought of more feedback, please share with us via this online survey.
Community Forum #1: Tuesday, October 17 | 10am - 7pm | Presentation @ 6pm at Ansley Mall: 1544 Piedmont Ave. NE | Next to AT&T Store. UPDATE – More than 50 people attended Community Forum #1 last week! Thanks for your input as this process is really kicking off now. The consultants are checking it all out as the process continues.
Small Business Focus Group: Wednesday, October 25 | 9:30am - Noon at Midtown Bowl @ 11th Frame: 1936 Piedmont Circle NE. UPDATE – Thanks to our local businesses who attended this public input opportunity!
Community Forum #2: Taste of PiHi + Master Planning @ Annual Meeting: Sunday, November 12 from 3-6pm | The Carlyle: 1919 Piedmont Rd. NE. Update: Thanks to the 80+ neighbors and businesses who attended, as well as all of our sponsors: The Carlyle, Nakato, Heritage Prep, Capella Cheese, Gino's, and Nino's.
A Master Plan is our vision for the future of Piedmont Heights, PiHi. The plan details the current challenges and identifies specific areas and projects to improve our neighborhood.
The Master Plan will include many areas of concern, such as Transportation and Mobility, Pedestrian Accessibility and Safety, Future Land Use, and Development.
The current Master Plan, created over 10 years ago, is outdated and does not reflect the significant changes in and around our neighborhood. Once completed, the new Master Plan for Piedmont Heights will be submitted to the Atlanta City Council for review and adoption.
Once approved, the Master Plan will ensure that Piedmont Heights has influence and “a seat at the table” as the City of Atlanta Dept. of Planning embarks on the city-wide planning process in 2024.
Our surrounding neighborhoods, Morningside-Lenox Park, Virginia-Highland, and Midtown, have updated their Master Plans, which have been adopted by the City of Atlanta. We cannot let this opportunity pass.
We Have a Big Announcement!
September 18, 2023
The Piedmonts Heights Civic Association (PHCA), in conjunction with our sister organizations PiHi Business Alliance and Piedmont Heights Community Improvement Foundation, is thrilled to share some exciting news with you all regarding our Piedmont Heights neighborhood. PHCA is initiating a project to update the Piedmont Heights Master Plan, marking a significant step forward for guiding our community's growth and development.
This decision reflects our commitment to ensuring a sustainable and vibrant future for Piedmont Heights. By updating the Master Plan, as many of our neighboring communities have also done, we aim to address the changing needs and aspirations of our residents and businesses, while enhancing the overall quality of life in our neighborhood.
The updated Master Plan will enable us to evaluate our current strengths, identify areas for improvement, and articulate a clear vision for the future. It will serve as a blueprint that guides future initiatives, projects, and investments in our neighborhood, ensuring that they align with our community's values and objectives.
To ensure a comprehensive and inclusive process, we will be seeking input and feedback from various stakeholders, including residents, local businesses, and community organizations. By involving everyone in this planning process, we can foster a sense of ownership and collective responsibility for the future of Piedmont Heights.
This is an exciting time for our neighborhood, as we embark on this journey together. The updated Master Plan will not only shape the physical landscape of Piedmont Heights but also contribute to fostering a strong sense of community, building connections, and enhancing the overall well-being of our residents and local businesses.
More information and public input opportunities coming soon, so stay tuned!